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Italmatch hosts FlashPhos General Assembly

This year the annual meeting of the project is held in Spoleto, where Italmatch was born 25 years ago

Italmatch Chemicals hosts FlashPhos General Assembly in Spoleto

Italmatch Chemicals hosts the annual FlashPhos General Assembly. The project is co-funded by the European Commission and aims to recover at a large scale high-quality white phosphorus (P4) and other raw materials using sewage sludge as input material.

>> Read the Press Review regarding the event

The meeting, taking place on 10th and 11th May, is held in Spoleto (Italy), the city where Italmatch was born 25 years ago. During the meeting, the companies and institutions from the academic world that are part of the consortium will review the progress of the project and will visit Italmatch first historic plant in Spoleto.

FlashPhos project follows an economically and ecologically virtuous and climate-friendly circular economy approach, with all output materials used in European industry, some of which replace critical or CO2-relevant raw materials. The FlashPhos consortium, coordinated by the University of Stuttgart, is composed of an European multidisciplinary team of large industrial companies, SMEs, NGOs and academic institutions. The 17 partners, from Austria, Germany, Belgium, Italy and Spain, cover the full range of expertise in waste management, thermochemical plant design and operation, and cement and phosphorous production, which are essential for optimal project execution.

FlashPhos project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 958267. To learn more information about the project, visit the FlashPhos official website >

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