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Energy efficiency project for Italmatch plant in Arese (Italy)

Italmatch Chemicals has chosen Innovatec Power as partner for a sustainability project in one of its Italian plants.

More on the sustainability project – Innovatec will build a cogeneration plant and a steam generator for a total value of € 3.4 million, including maintenance for a period of ten years. The plant will satisfy 80% of the company’s electricity consumption demand and 62% of the hot water and industrial process steam. Thanks to the plant about 23.4% of tons of CO2 equivalent per year will be avoided, equal to the emissions absorbed by about 509 hectares of new forests.

The Agreement signed provides that INNOVATEC POWER will carry out for ITALMATCH CHEMICALS a an energy requalification of the industrial plant in Arese (Milan, Italy) as a fundamental part of the process of reducing energy costs and reducing the site’s gas emissions. In particular, INNOVATEC POWER will take care of the entire sustainability project, the executive design, supply, transport, installation and construction of all the works functional to the installation and operation of the following plants:

  • an industrial cogeneration plant of power equal to 1,200 kWe
  • a 6,000 kg/h steam generator at 15 bar

The Agreement provides for a consideration of Euro 3.4 million, of which Euro 1.9 million for the construction of the Plant and Euro 1.5 million for its ten-year maintenance. The contract will be completed within the first half of 2021.

In this virtuous path towards energy efficiency, INNOVATEC POWER will implement a mix of interventions for the combined production of electricity and heat, suitable to meet part of the energy needs of the plant, making the energy supply of the plant more efficient and maximizing the economic performance of the plant in compliance with the requirements imposed by the Energy Services Manager S.p.A. (GSE) to obtain the CAR (High Yield Cogeneration) qualification and related incentives (white certificates). The plant will also be connected to the national electricity grid. It will allow the transfer of electricity produced in excess of the plant’s requirements.

“The Arese plant efficiency project confirms Italmatch Chemicals’ commitment to sustainability,” comments Sergio Iorio, CEO of Italmatch Chemicals Group. “For years we have been committed to reducing our environmental impact. Not only by increasing the efficiency of our production facilities, but also by proactively carrying out research and development projects aimed at initiating circular economy processes for greener chemistry”.

Mario Gamberale, CEO of Innovatec Power, commented: “We are very proud to support Italmatch in this virtuous project that combines the reduction of environmental impact with lower energy supply costs. The combination of technologies will bring economic and environmental results. This is undoubtedly a virtuous example of how solid industrial realities like Italmatch continue to invest in sustainable development in a difficult year like the current one”.

The project represents a virtuous example of the use of cogeneration and highlights Innovatec’s ability to customize and engineer its plants always taking into account the objectives of its customers.

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