Italmatch Chemicals Advanced Water Solutions is a global provider of specialty water management additives and solutions, including biocides, corrosion inhibitors and scale inhibitors.
The division excels in delivering innovative products, supported by global manufacturing and blending sites, extensive technical support for developing tailored solutions, dedicated customer service and a comprehensive network of R&D centres across Europe, the Americas, and the APAC regions.
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As a company, we value water as one of planet’s most precious resource. Our portfolio is designed to reduce water consumption and manage this finite resource more responsibly.
We continuously adapt and conduct research to deliver a flow of new ideas and products, with an increasing number of sustainable and biodegradable products derived from natural raw materials.
We provide technical expertise, manufacturing capability and chemical portfolio to ensure that industrial water treatment operations remain safe, efficient and cost effective. Our range covers all areas of water use:
We offer a world class range of products and formulated solutions including scale inhibitors, corrosion inhibitors, biocides, bleach stabilizers, stabilizing agents, coagulants and flocculants all supported by teams of experts across world.
Thanks to world-class brands, combined with market and technical expertise, our offering is the best choice for scale prevention, dispersion, bleach stabilization, chelation and metal corrosion inhibition in home cleaning (laundry, dishwashing, fabric and detergents) and industrial and institutional cleaning:
Desalination is a sustainable answer to the problem of limited access to fresh water. Italmatch provides water additive solutions for use in both thermal and membrane desalination to allow these technologies to be used in the most stringent operating conditions.
Thermal desalination: Controlling foam, preventing fouling and inhibiting the formation of scale is essential to allow desalination plants to run always at maximum efficiency and without any water or energy waste. Italmatch provides water additives that address all these potential problems and keep them from occurring in both Multistage Flash (MSF) and Multi Effect Evaporation (MEE, MED) systems.
Membrane desalination: Our Reverse Osmosis water treatment products are designed to protect and optimize your membrane process to enhance the availability of clean water even in the most challenging of environments. Italmatch range address all the needs of your membrane operations: preventing scale formation, controlling bacterial activity and removing biofilm and organic & inorganic deposits.
Geothermal Energy is becoming crucial for the energy transition, helping our world to achieve net zero emissions goals. Our Geogard® solutions have been specifically designed to inhibit and control scaling, fouling and corrosion allowing a safer and efficient operations of the geothermal plants which results in higher productivity and lower maintenance costs.
Several types of inorganic scales can be found in geothermal plants, for example calcite, amorphous silica, metal silicates, stibnite and NORMs. To minimize their impact and maximize the production efficiency, a proper mitigation strategy must be considered: Italmatch solutions are the best choice to effectively tackle these challenges.
Innovative Ionquest® solutions, we meeting the challenges of the mining and metal refining industry.
Solvent extraction: Phosphorous-based solvent extraction reagents used to selectively separate Cobalt, Nickelt, Rare Earths, Uranium, Zinc and various other metals or to recover a wide range of critical metals from Lithium-ion batteries.
Precious Metals Scavenging resins: Italmatch provides an innovative and patented phosphorous-based microporous resin technology for the selective removal of transition metals in both metal refining as in industrial waste and process waters.
Scale Control: Mining is heavily dependent on water. Water is used throughout the mining industry from the extraction of crude ores to the processing and refining of the finished products. Scale affects numerous stages of the mining and refining process causing downtime and high costs to remove scale. Italmatch offers a wide range of products and ready-to-use solutions for the prevention and control of scale formation in mining, refining and utility operations.
Our Turpinal® products consists of high purity grades of etidronic acid and sodium etidronate, which can be used for cosmetics or any other applications requiring a very low metal content.
Turpinal® formulation’s high purity is guaranteed thorough quality control procedures (including testing for microbiological contamination). Moreover, the certificate of analysis accompanying each batch contains detailed information covering chemical purity and trace metal content.