


Melagard® is the trade name for Melamine based FR, Melagard MC (Melamine Cyanurate) and Melagard MP (Melamine Phosphate) and Intumescent preparations.

  • Main applications for Melagard MC are PA6/PA66 and TPU compounds. Main application for Melagard MP is coatings.
  • Main applications for Melagard Intumescent preparations are PP, PE, TPO, TPV and SBS compounds.

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    • Melagard® MP: a non-halogenated flame retardant based on Melamine Phosphate (CAS 41583-09-9)
    • Melagard® MC15, MC25, MC50: a non-halogenated flame retardant based on Melamine Cyanurate (CAS 37640-57-6) available in different particle size
    • Melagard® P37: a non-halogenated flame retardant intumescent system based on Phosphorus and Nitrogen, not containing Ammonium Polyphosphat

  • Are you already a customer? For your enquiries about our Melagard® products, contact Sabrina Benvegnù at

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