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Il Mattino – GRS plant growth strategy and mentoring

Italian newspaper Il Mattino features Italmatch Chemicals with an article about GRS plant's green portfolio and CSR project with local school

GRS press review Il Mattino

An overview of Italmatch Chemicals Group’s GRS plant in Qualiano (Naples, Italy) and latest CSR project involving one local school featured in the Italian newspaper Il Mattino. The article focuses on GRS recent year’s expansion, its green chemistry portfolio and Italmatch Group programme to enhance dialogue among schools and the Company, to encourage STEM studies and to achieve gender equality in STEM Careers.

GRS is part of Italmatch’s ESG strategy – said Maurizio Turci, Italmatch Group General Manager Corporate and Sole Director of GRSWe produce solutions with a strong green approach and we also want to develop our relationship with the local territory with several initiatives, starting with collaboration with schools, with mentoring courses involving young generations and talents“.

In collaboration with OSM Edu, Italmatch chose the ISIS Guido Tassinari school in Pozzuoli (Naples, Italy), aiming to actively contribute to the empowerment of young students, supporting them in a journey of awareness and enhancement of their potential. “These activities allow us to build a strong bond with the territory. Italmatch and GRS want to contribute to creating a new way of thinking about young people” concluded Mr. Turci.

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