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Italmatch hosts everyday chemistry workshop for Genoa Science Festival

The Group supports the STEM event for students and young generations with a laboratory about the chemistry around us

Italmatch at Festival della Scienza 2022_Genoa Science Festival

Italmatch Chemicals participates in the Genoa Science Festival 2022 (Festival della Scienza), the event dedicated to STEM subjects for young generations, students, families and researchers held every year in the Italian city. The Festival will take place from the 20th of October to the 1st of November in the traditional venue of Genoa Old Port, located near Group’s Corporate HQ.

After last year edition, with Italmatch laboratory about Phosphorus and its sustainable recovery, the Company is participating with a workshop about chemistry in our everyday lives. It is often hidden and difficult to see, but chemistry helps us every single day, even during our simplest actions. Using our mobile phones or laptops is possible thanks to their batteries, which are based on chemistry and its many elements. Or, to make two additional examples, the water we drink and the energy we use are available thanks to industrial activities that are conducted every day through the use of chemical products. During the laboratory, attendees will undertake a journey to discover the hidden chemistry around us and why it is essential for our lives.

Great attention will also be paid to Company’s new green applications and solutions, including the cutting-edge technologies for the recovery of raw materials and the development of more sustainable and performing electric vehicle batteries. Italmatch is therefore part of the European Battery Innovation – IPCEI, an international project involving 42 European companies for the sustainable development of the EVB value chain in the EU. Thanks to its know-how in Phosphorus derivatives and solutions for critical raw materials recovery, such as Platinum Group Metals, Italmatch is participating in different work packages, from P-derivatives supply to the recycling of spent batteries in line with Circular Economy principles.

Italmatch is proud to support and take part once again in such an important event for the city of Genoa and for its inhabitants. Festival della Scienza is a reference point for STEM subjects and scientific culture dissemination across new generations. Being able to spread the values of chemistry and its key role for a better future, while giving our contribution to meaningful initiatives for the people around us, is one of our aims as a Group.

Learn more information about Festival della Scienza 2022:

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