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Italmatch rated gold by EcoVadis

The Group is in the top 5% of companies assessed

Italmatch Ecovadis gold 2024

In Italmatch, ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) practices are fundamental and represent an essential pillar for the sustainable development of the company. We are proud to announce that Italmatch has been awarded the gold medal for the 2024 EcoVadis assessment (silver in 2023), placing us in the top 5% of companies assessed.

This great achievement confirms the significant progresses in our sustainability journey. This year’s result is based on a score of 75 points out of 100, an increase of +12 points compared to the previous assessment, based on the 2022 report, and +27 points compared to the 2021 result. The improvement in the Sustainable Procurement pillar was significant, with an increase of 20 points, while Labour & Human Rights, Environment and Ethics improved by 10 points each.

“This result confirms Italmatch’s commitment to ESG issues. We have been following a structured path at Group level for years and we are proud to confirm that sustainability now guides every strategic choice we make. Achieving this result is nothing more than a further step in our growth path” said our Group General Manager Corporate Maurizio Turci.

“All the pillars has significantly grown in the last two years. The deployment of our ESG approach is strongly supported by the ESG committee that firstly designed a proper strategy. Following this, we have then set targets and identified adequate actions. The achievement of this result shows that the approach is coherent with the best practices” said our Group ESG & Sustainability Manager Claudio Pirani.

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